In 13 days, Tom and I will celebrate our fourth year of wedded bliss. We were sealed on January 13, 2007, one of the coldest days ever (17 was the high). But, despite the cold, it was such a happy day. In fact, I didn't think I could be happier. However, I've been proven wrong. Every day since has been pretty amazing and sometimes I think my heart is just going to explode from all the liking going on. Seriously, like it would explode and get guts on the sofa. It's not pretty.
I tell a lot of people about how great Tom is, and usually the news doesn't fall on deaf ears. People already know he's cool. He's just one of those people. I mostly just like to remind them, you know, to brag. So in honor of our approaching anniversary, I would like to
brag about share one thought, story, memory, joke, etc. about Tom each day (and honey? If I forget a day, let's still be married).
Day One: Fishy
Tom could fish all day. Every day. He's good at it too and has waders, flies, fancy boots, and a rod (not a pole). He's in a different world I think, when he fishes. I've been with him quite a few times (more when we were dating, sorry babe) and it is really fun to watch him. He knows where the fish are swimming, he knows what they are eating, he knows how to not freak out and jerk his
pole rod when a fish bites (again, I'm sorry I lost all those flies). It's pretty neat. But it's not just that he can catch a fish, it's that he is aware of his surroundings and loves them. He can see every fish in the river, he can hear every bird, he notices every shift in the light, he wants to paint every mountain. As I've gotten to know Tom, I've found myself looking around and noticing more. And I have to say, this world is a beautiful place. I'm glad I found myself a pair of Tom-colored glasses.
Sun Valley 2010 |
this was so cute! I can't wait to learn more about Tom :)
ah're bringing tears to my eyes! so glad you're still in love...and SO GLAD it's with thomas! you guys are mfeo*
*see sleepless in seattle!
This is going to be so fun to read!!
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