Thursday, December 30, 2010

merry, merry

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I hope your New Year's is awesome too. I have today and tomorrow off from work and I couldn't be more pleased. I have great plans to organize, exercise, spend my gift certificates, etc. Even if I don't get everything done, it feels nice to have some choice in what I'm doing.
Christmas was very fun this year - did it seem to just fly by for anyone else? I was more ready than ever, but it still seemed to just whoosh by. The week after Christmas is always weird to me - you don't want to work, you shouldn't play, it's just kind of uhh *shrugging shoulders*. I am happy it is kind of slower though, that feels nice.
For Christmas we were spoiled (as per usual). We got our favorite cereals, a really neat picture of our last name - like the ones shown here...but taken by our Shawn, IKEA giftcard, Joann's giftcard, TJMAXX giftcard, Amazon and Itunes giftcards, sushi giftcard, a new sewing machine, cute socks, new clothes, Robin Hood (the one with the foxes), cute little magnet bottles, and my list could go on. We just had a great time. It was fun to get, even more fun to give. Oh yeah, Thomas also made me an incredible rolling island for my kitchen. It is amazing. He's learned how to weld, so there is no stopping us now. 
Here she is. If you want one (and I know you do, just go here: (yes, i just did a plug for our business, don't judge)

Welded corners and casters! I can roll her anywhere.

Like the tile? It matches our kitchen perfectly...but guess what? When we move to a new place, we can take the tile out and replace it with whatever surface we want. Tom's a genius, just sayin'. Looks like I need to use that potato, it's gettin' a little saggy.

I've had two weddings this month, which is unusual for December, but they were fun. Here are some pictures.
I'm not usually a fan of the Christmas colors, but the roses and hydrangeas made me a happy camper.

These are the same bouquets, just lying on the sidewalk.
Do you like the feathers? Actually, I don't care if you do or not, they are so awesome.

The groom's boutonniere. Star of Bethlehem (the weird green thing), is probably one of my new favorites. My cute friend from helped me with these. She's the best, I wish we worked together all the time.
Oh yeah, and I did this one in October. Kind of fun.
Anyway, this season has been great. I love all the hustle and bustle of December, the parties, the food, the presents, the sparkle. And more importantly, I also love the service, the family, the friends, and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I hope to take a little bit of what I felt this December with me throughout the year.
Tom and I sent out a digital card for Christmas this year and I'm afraid we missed some people, so I'm posting it here too (hope you can see it). We hope you had a happy Christmas too!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Post 110

I thought it was kind of neat that this is going to be my 110th post. I'm kind of sad that I didn't notice my 100th. I would have made it a bigger deal. Maybe thrown some confetti at my computer...or something. 

Anyway, I just wanted to show you what I've been working on lately. My cousin-in-laws asked me to help them make a website for their new business. It's called My Everyday Key and it's pretty darn cute. I hope they do really well and make lots of money! It's a very good idea. You should buy one. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pocket Post

Dear Blogger Pages,
Love you!

Dear Psych,
It's possible that I've watched you at least twice now, and you are still so hilariously funny.

Dear Homemade, Hand-dipped Chocolates,
You are delicious and surprisingly easy to make. I love your creamy centers and thanks to you, I have neighbor Christmas gifts checked off of my list.

Dear People Who Aren't My Neighbors,
I'm sorry, you won't be getting homemade, hand-dipped chocolates for Christmas. You should move though, cause they are that good.

Dear Thanksgiving,
Thanks for being one of the best holidays. I love seeing my family, remembering what I'm grateful for, and eating pie.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween from a Nerdy Environmental Planner

A brief background for those of you who don't know: The main client at work is Rocky Mountain Power and we help them place their transmission power lines. you know.

The Kelleigh to Megan line.
Endangered species known to be impacted? The Utah Prairie Dog.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Powell Family Reunion

Over Labor Day weekend, my family had a reunion at Strawberry Reservoir. We had a great time and I hope the tradition keeps going. We fished, we washer-gamed, we camp-fired, we laughed. A good time was had by all. Here are some pictures.

 The first day we woke up to this beautiful sight.
 Our boat, former owners called it the 'Lady Jane', however the 'J' fell off and it will now be known to all as the 'Lady Ane'
 Probably my favorite picture ever.
 Captain Bill
 My mom - did you know she's caught two fish with one hook?
 Twin cousins! We have the same cheeks, you can be the judge of which set.
 Lexy and I love riding on the front of the boat - you get the best view.
 I have like 50 other pictures just like this one - but I'll spare you.
 Artsy thistle shot.
 This picture needs no caption.
 Cute girls checking out the red salmon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pocket Post

Dear AutoCad,
I wish we could be friends. I can draw a line with you, but that's about it. Maybe we should just stay acquaintances?

Dear Logan (the City),
Thanks for having Angie's, fly-fishing, $3 movies, and beautiful skies. I miss you. So does Tom.

Dear Hunger Games,
You are kind of scary, but really fun to read. I'm reading Mocking Jay right now and I'd rather be doing that than working.

Dear Fall,
I smelled you the other day. You smell delicious, like spices. I hope you stick around long enough for me to see lots of coral leaves, drink up some apple cider, bake a couple pies, and buy some unnecessary school supplies. 


Friday, September 17, 2010

persimmony things

Persimmon Floral was featured three times this week. Take a look here, here, and here. My website got a small makeover too - check it out and see what you think.

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Sketchbook

My sketchbook came today. I can hardly contain my excitement. I can't wait to fill it up and send it on it's way. Back to Brooklyn. My theme is "If you lived here". I think I know where I'm going to take it too.

Things I want to remember throughout this mini adventure:
1. It doesn't have to be perfect.
2. Make mistakes. Like right in the notebook.
3. Don't be a sissy. Try something new.

Tom's doing it too. We are going to be such a happy sketchy family.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

All Things Thrifty

Or should I say...All Things Awesome! The All Things Thrifty blog is the best - there are so many great ideas for decorating your house...on a budget no less. I love that story. You should check it out here. Seriously, don't wait.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Shark Week

It's the most wonderful time of the year. It's a gift to you for enduring the other 51 weeks.* Shark Week on the Discovery Channel! Today we've watched Air Jaws and SHARKBITE: How to survive a Great White Shark Attack.

Every year we learn a few things from Shark Week.

1. There really isn't that much footage of shark attacks or swimming sharks - so it's basically the same shows as last year with newer jazzier titles.

2. Sharks aren't the mindless killers we once thought they were. They are like puppies just taking exploratory bites. If they really wanted to eat us...there would be no survivors.

3. You can sharkify yourself. See the pictures below. Warning - they are not for the faint of heart.

4. Tom will tell you that you shouldn't go swimming in the ocean for at least 6 months after watching.

5. My favorite quote so far is this (in reference to the shark attack survivors that were merely given exploratory bites in the water, even though their leg is gone): "The fact that you have been randomly sampled and ultimately rejected is not a comfort for these shark attack victims".
That is so funny! Can you imagine saying that to someone. You have been randomly sampled and ultimately rejected (by a shark). Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm dying.

6. No matter how many reruns there are during Shark Week, it's just plain fun.

So the moral of this post is: Don't swim in dark, murky water and do your best to not look like a seal.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sweet & Sassy Natty

My darling friend (and former roommate - I was her favorite - right Kourt?) Kourtney has a darling sister-in-law named Natalie. She has been diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma - a rare juvenile bone cancer. I know just from talking to Kourtney that she has dealt with a lot during her life, along with her family and friends. I've never met her, but she seems like a great example of how we should all look at this life. I'm grateful for her example and Kourtney's for doing all they can do be loving and kind.

They are having a benefit concert for her on August 6, 2010 at 7:00 pm at Barker Park in North Ogden. Brooke White from American Idol will be there. Sounds like a fun time to me.

Check out Natalie's blog for more information.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Answered Prayers

The following two quotes were answers to my prayers yesterday. I'm posting them mostly for my remembering purposes, but also thought some of you might enjoy reading them too. 

  • When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities. …  
  • “May God bless us to put [him] first and, as a result, reap peace in this life and eternal life with a fulness of joy in the life to come."
    President Ezra Taft Benson

    Hymn #30 - Come, Come Ye Saints - This song was written by Tom's great, great, great, really great? grandfather and was just what I needed to hear yesterday. All is well, all is well.
    Listen here
    Come, come ye saints
    No toil nor labor fear
    But with joy, wend your way
    Though hard to you,
    This journey may appear,
    Grace shall be as your day,
    Tis better far for us to strive
    Our useless cares from us to drive
    Do this and joy, your hearts will swell
    All is well! All is well!

    Why should we mourn?
    Or think our lot is hard?
    Tis not so, all is bright
    Why we think to earn a great reward?
    If we now shun the fight
    Gird up your loins
    Fresh courage take
    Our god will never us forsake
    And soon we'll have this tale to tell
    All is well! All is well!

    We'll find the place
    Which God for us prepared
    Far away, in the West
    Where none shall come
    To hurt of make afraid
    There the saints, will be blessed
    We'll make the air, with music ring,
    Shout praises to, our god and king,
    Above the rest these words we'll tell
    All is well! All is well! 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pocket Post

Dear Books,
Thanks for sitting on my shelf and trying to inspire me to read you. Sometimes I just go watch TV, but it's not because I don't like you.

Dear Things I Have To Do,
You're kind of a lot to handle. Maybe we can compromise? I'll pay attention to you sometimes...but mostly you should just take care of yourselves. Deal?

Dear Graceful Envelope Contest,
I am going to enter you, even though the deadline has passed.

Dear Pie Pops,
Hello, I don't think we've met! I'm excited to get to know you.

Dear Wardrobe Refashion,
Let's get going! I am in need of a little makeover and you will fit in quite well with my other friends, Mr. Budget and Miss Crafty-Pants.

Dear Food Co-op,
You're the bomb.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


We've been sketching daily (well mostly Tom has).
We've been getting new red shoes and taking pictures of them when we're bored (well I guess that's mostly me).
We've been sketch dining. Join us next time.
We've been making paper flowers.
We've been checking out the beach in San Francisco.
Our lives are pretty sweet.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Two Nifty Websites - this is stuff I didn't know I needed. - I would like to start a letter writing club. Anyone else?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pocket Post

Dear work,
I'm glad I have you in my life. Sometimes I complain about you. Mostly behind your back. I still like you though. Let's hang out still.

Dear DI,
How fun are you to visit?! Today I found a little flower dish, a darling kleenex box, and a travel bag that makes we want to pack up my stuff and just drive.

Dear Banana Cream Pie,
Thanks for being in my fridge.

Dear Man vs. Wild,
You should really consider not jumping off cliffs while you are trying to teach people how to survive. It goes against all common sense. Maybe you should try watching Survivor Man. He knows how to do it.

Dear One Sketch Daily,
You're cool.Wish I could do that.

Dear Spring,
Welcome back almost! When you come to stay - we should have a party.

Megan D.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March thoughts

I'm loving that it's March. March rocks. March is a hopeful month - there is still going to be snow and rain of course - but there is also hope that there won't be. I like that. March is my birthday month. I still love my birthday - I try to make it last for a long time. For example, I ask Tom if he will bring me a drink of water or some popcorn and always pair the question with "It's my birthday". Works like a charm, although I think he's catching on. Dang. March makes me feel like planting gardens in potholes. Anyone else want to join me? March makes me feel like crafting, sewing and basically creating. It's just that hopeful, happy feeling. Did anyone see this video? It's the best. Hope your March is going well.
P.S. My flowers are going to be famous - Check them out on TV this Friday (3/5) on Studio 5 at 11:00 am. Don't worry I won't let it get to their little flower heads.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Pocket Post

I recently read a delightful entry on this blog and loved it. So I'm changing the name (from Little Letters to Pocket Post) and doing it myself.

Dear Washing Machine,
Thank you for washing my clothes while I relax and watch the Sound of Music.

Dear Tom,
Thanks for having so much fun with me on Saturday. Who knew fixing a vacuum, cleaning someone else's apartment, and returning clothes at Kohl's could be so much fun?

Dear Lemon Poppyseed Scone Mix,
You were so delicious and if you were any easier, you would make yourself.

I wish you would tone down the awesomeness...just a little. It's starting to make me sick.

Dear Mom,
Thanks for hanging out on Friday night and teaching me how to make my emails not look like forwards. You are the best. Please remember that a dream is a wish your heart makes.

Dear Nielsen's Lemon Custard,
Let's be BFFs. For reals.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Quite possibly

"I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could quite possibly save the world."
Curly Girl Designs

I saw this card in a store last night. Made me feel inspired to do a lot with my day today. Now to go get my cape...

Monday, January 18, 2010

throwing a party?

check out this darling give-away & be sure to use the inspiration boards for your future parties!