Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#6 - Memorize a poem

It's between these three. The Jabberwocky. Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening. Or Evensong.

Any other suggestions? Poems that I shouldn't turn 30 without memorizing?

I have two other poems memorized.

Indian Summer by Dorothy Parker
In youth, it was the way I had
To do my best to please.
And change with every passing lad,
To suit his theories.
But now I know the things I know,
And do the things I do.
And if you do not like me so,
To hell, my love, with you.

(I memorized this in high school when I chose Dorothy Parker for my poet report...actually I wanted Ogden Nash, but Mike Sorenson picked him first! Ha, ha, ha - do you remember that Mike? That was a funny class. Anway, I was happy with my choice and was so pleased with the feminist theme of the poem.)

The Worm by Ralph Bergengren
When the earth has turned to spring,
The worms are fat as anything.
And birds come flying all around,
To eat the worms right off the ground.
They like worms just as much as I,
Like bread, and milk, and apple pie.
And once, when I was very young,
I put a worm right on my tongue.
I didn't like the taste a bit,
Of course I didn't swallow it!
But oh, it makes my Mother squirm,
Because she thinks I ate that worm!

(I memorized this when I was really little. My mom taught it to me and it's stuck ever since.)


Sabrina said...

I do love me some Jabberwocky, but my favorite poem is "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas so I'd have to recommend you at least check it out for consideration. It's fun to see everyone who has latched onto Shanny's 30 by 30 idea and follow you on your journeys. I chose to do nothing outstanding for my 30th, but we did attend the symphony, which was a great celebration in my book.

Candi Criddle said...

I like "Stopping by woods on a snowy evening" by Robert Frost, it memorizes pretty quick. My dad's favorite is "Invictus" and I like having that one memorized.

KATIE said...

Memorizing a poem was one of my 2009 goals. I went with The Day is Done by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I wish I'd picked a shorter one, it's hard to maintain the long ones. I like the Robert Frost one. I was thinking about that one just the other day when I was out snowshoeing.

Shanny said...

I vote for the Robert Frost one, but they are all great. Way to get cracking on your 30 by 30!