First my washer collection. I told my Shawn (my cute step-mom) about my collection of washers and she wanted me to post a picture of it on my blog. I found my first washer on my first "official" date with Tom. Ever since that day I find washers wherever I go, it is really fun. I asked Tom if it was because I was special or just lucky. He said special. I love him. thesis (which is the reason I haven't written in a while). I am making really good progress on it. I will defend in April! Here is my outline on color coded index cards and taped to a rubbermaid lid. :)
My cute friend Chelsey gave me some tulip bulbs for Christmas and I planted them a couple weeks ago. I don't know if they are going to work, but they are starting to pop I'll keep you posted. Also, Tom and I have started some seeds for our salsa garden. We are starting the seeds at our home and will plant them in Tom's dad's garden. Get excited for that!
Finally...Tom and I hosted a party with some friends. It was a party celebrating the day (Feb. 27th) that the Italian government asked for the world's help in restoring the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In short...a Pisa Party! Everyone brought their favorite Italian dish and we talked about our Italy trips. Very fun. I didn't get a picture of all of us or all the yummy food, just the appetizers. It was delicious. I wanted to have a party on the to come up with a theme I went to The History Channel website and plugged in the date and it tells you what happened on that day. Great for a quick party theme.
If you want to party can celebrate the day that Elvis joined the army. :)
Happy collecting, schooling, gardening, partying, and crafting!