So anyway...Happy New Year! Isn't it cool that we are in the year 2010? I love it. I've been graduated from high school for 10 years. That's weird. Does anyone else think that's weird? I really do. What are your resolutions? Tom and I have a few up our sleeves. Nothing too crazy, just get less fat, be more nice, save more cash, etc. I'm always grateful for the time given to us to reflect on how we can be better. Even if you don't do a great job at keeping them, it is always nice to have a little "shot in the arm" of trying to be better. My sister said on January 3rd that her resolution was to be happier and that so far she had had a pretty good year and expects to be happy for another few days. :) I thought that was funny.
Oh yeah, some of you might be happy to know that our fish found a home with my nephew. HER name is now "Turkey".
Now for the blupdate. {Blog Update} Here is a countdown since my last post.
{10 - thousand presents}
We got so many wonderful presents this Christmas. My mom is really cute and wraps every little thing seperately, so even though the present might not be huge/expensive, it gets its own little wrap job and it is a lot of fun to open all of them. My favorite gifts were a darling little bird nest necklace {from D&A}, a sewing kit made from a Ball jar, so cute {from D&S}, and vintage salt and pepper shakers {from M&B}. Thomas made me an awesome coat rack too, out of pipes & concrete. Oh yeah...we also got a dinner at "Lucy's" from Tom's sister's family. We'll keep you posted about that one.
{9 - different stories}
I thought I had a copy of the stories we wrote at our New Year's Eve party, but B borrowed them. We played the game "What If?" and came up with the most hilarious stories. Again, I will post one of them when I get them back. This New Year's party was so much fun! Usually New Year's is so anticlimactic, but D, G, B, E, C, Tom & I had so much fun. Probably because the cheese fondue had white wine in it...I'm not sure it really was "all cooked out". :)
{8 - lots of food}
Get it? We "8" lots of food? Ha, ha. This post is taking a turn for the worst. :)
{7 - Christmas parties}
We went to 4 family parties, 1 work party, 2 friend parties, and 1 ward party. December flew by so quickly, but we had a great time seeing everyone.
{6 - Games of Settlers}
We hooked our brother and sister-in-law on the game "Settlers of Catan" when we were in Bostonland, so when they came for Christmas that's all we wanted to do. There were many late nights and lots of laughs despite how many grudges were formed. :)
{5 - Different weddings}
This year I got 5 weddings from the wedding show I did in July. Not counting the ones recommended to me by family and friends. I love doing wedding flowers and am glad I've been able to do them even with working full time. Here are a couple of photos from the last few.

For our anniversary {coming up on the 13th} Tom got me 4 guitar lessons from our awesome friend Brandon {check out his band here}. He is a classic guitarist and is just amazing at what he does. So far I've learned how to play a G major scale and am learning a new song. If I can get my fingers to play a bar chord. I'll keep you posted.
{3 - Years of marriage}
Yes, that's right. We've been married for 3 years. It's been great. I've learned so much about myself and about how to be a better person. I'm grateful that Tom is in my life. We are going somewhere fun next weekend to celebrate, so I'll have to write about that too. {The list of future posts is getting longer and longer}
{2 - Wii-motes}
Another one of our awesome Christmas presents was a Wii. I love it. We have Wii fit and Dr. Mario and Wii Play and Brain Challenge. My mom gave us hers which was really cute and nice of her. If you want to come over and play...then just do it. :)
{1 - Graduation}
I officially walked in my graduation commencement on the 11th of December. It was really fun and it made it seem more official that I was done, even though I already had my diploma. Thanks to everyone {again} who made it possible for me to do that. It felt great to check that off my list.

R and I want a picture of your pipe thingy rack.
You guys were busy. You look great in the graduation robe. :)
Guitar lessons? I tried that once. It was so hard to wrap my hand around and play the chords and my fingers hurt. Brady claims you need to develop calluses. Hope you enjoy it. I'll be expecting to hear Juke Box Hero next time I see you. ;)
Hey, you were back in Logan and you didn't stop and say hi!!! Guess we've been in SLC a couple of times and haven't stopped--but we don't know where you live. Well, maybe it counts that you said "hi" to M & I at the Nutcracker.
Happy Graduation--maybe K will get there one day...
Your wedding flowers look great. Sounds like you've been keeping busy.
Thanks for posting again!
I miss you, our fun friends! I can't wait for your future posts :)
Congrats on the graduation, that is so dang awesome! And congrats on the three years of marriage, hope you did something fun!
Wow that was so much stuff in one Christmas. I am so glad that you came to visit me. I just love you so much you make me really really happy. I can't wait to see all your future posts and more pictures of Lexy's wedding. You look beautiful in your grad gear. Congrats on the weddings and I would love to see your salt and pepper shakers (HAHHAHA) that sounds so funny if you were hear we would be busting it up. well, love ya and Happy New year
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