My cute friend Jill did this cute thing on her blog.
She explains it better than I am going to, so make sure to read it. :)
Basically her friend made a cute handmade thing to give out to three people. Then Jill had to give out another cute thing to three more people to pay it forward. I was one of the lucky people who received her cookies and a darling star ornament. So now, I get to pay it forward to three other people. I waited a while to do this, but I thought it would be a fun way to continue Christmas. So the first three people to comment on this post will receive a special surprise from me. It will be cute, so comment away. :)
Happy New Year!
Yay, I won!!! What a fun thing to do - I love stuff like this, and it will be such a fun thing to perpetuate!
Yay I get something cute from my friend Megan!
Something cute? I definitely need more of that in my life!
Darn, I'm too late because I didn't take time to check blogs yesterday! This idea originates from a book ( I haven't read it yet, but I did see the movie. It was pretty inspiring.
Dang it I was not one of the three But I love you and thanks for the new blog on your business
Yay, I got them today!!!! They are so clever and tasty-looking and I love them. Just in time for Valentine's Day, too. Thank you so much!
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